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Connected Mobility

Connected vehicles open up an extremely wide field for creating innovative digital services and new solutions for the general public.

The mobility players, gathered within the “Alliance Mobilité Connectée Pour Tous” working group, recommend the implementation of eight main principles for a balanced ecosystem accessible to all.

Access to data from connected vehicles: There is still time to act !

Data and digitalization in the automotive industry (FIA Region 1)

The organizations that make up the Connected Mobility For All Alliance

The objectives

  • carry out a technological inventory
  • adopt the most didactic approach possible on complex subjects for the uninitiated
  • make constructive proposals to ensure transparent and fair access to connected vehicle data for all stakeholders
  • preserve the freedom of choice for customers (motorists, users or owners of vehicles)
  • enable the emergence of innovative services around connected mobility.

Vehicle connectivity opens an extremely wide field for the creation of innovative digital services and new solutions for the general public.

These new services will improve the comfort and lives of drivers and passengers.

Other services will be broad in scope, contributing in particular to road safety, infrastructure optimisation, ecological transition and vehicle electrification. Likewise, they will facilitate the sharing of public space between all mobility players.

Access to data is at the heart of these developments and a major concern for each of the stakeholders in this emerging ecosystem.

Technologies are also evolving very rapidly, enabling new global-sized entrants with dominant approaches.

To preserve European competitiveness and sovereignty, upstream and downstream operators in the automotive industry are invited to develop common, shared and balanced solutions in the fundamental interest of users.

Connected vehicle : 8 principles for a balanced ecosystem accessible to everyone


All data, whatever their nature and subject to user consent, must be accessible in all fairness to all stakeholders. This also implies full transparency on the available data.


Vehicle users’ choices must be made truly effective through smooth processes for obtaining their consent.


Several access methods must be provided in order to preserve technological neutrality and avoid market foreclosures or gatekeeping mechanisms.


These accesses must take place under identical technical and economic conditions for all players, from the manu


Access to vehicle data and resources (including the human-machine interface) must be direct and, when necessary, in real time (i.e., without delay).


Stakeholders must, as part of a business need, be able to access essential data stored in the electronic control units themselves.


A cross-sectoral and cooperative approach should make it possible to work towards a shared objective of vehicle security and cybersecurity.


European regulations are essential, particularly in terms of standards and interoperability, in order to establish these principles and neutral governance.


Discover the document which aims to facilitate understanding of the different modes of access to vehicle data and resources, specify the main strategic, technical and economic issues, while keeping the general interest of users at the center of concerns.

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